
What is an extraordinary life...for YOU?

Listening to Tony Robbins affirmations during your cold morning shower is like a US Marine sergeant yelling at you during bootcamp—it somehow works. To motivate you to think about the bigger questions in life that start with the smallest things in life—a morning shower.

So what does an extraordinary life look like? As I wrote down my morning thoughts, I realized that we’ve become mesmerized by success standards of Hollywood, big media, and now social media. But does everyone want to become the next Elon Musk? As Mark Manson puts it, “What shit sandwich do you want to eat?” Everything takes time, the journey arduous, but what is that one thing you want that you’re willing to eat a shit sandwich for?

What does a quality, fulfilling, and extraordinary life look like for you? Imagine the reality compared to the fantasy. Are you willing to eat a shit sandwich for that?

Art of doing absolutely nothing

It’s easy to feel like you’re not doing anything. Especially during COVID. But it’s hard for us to accept the fact that we are doing nothing. Especially in today’s 24/7 digital society.

But there’s an art of doing absolutely nothing. To not check your phone first thing in the morning nor last at night. To not respond to that text or email right away. To not consistently think about the future while forgetting the present. To be mindful of the here and now.

Perhaps it’s when we can truly realize what it means to do nothing can we start to actually do something. To appreciate. To be aware. To do something worthwhile…to truly live.