The day after King's Day 2021...

I felt a slight sense of guilt after roaming the streets of King’s Day and playing Pac-Man with the crowds—this is what COVID does to you.

Guilt. Anxiety. Oh my god…I walked by a group of drunk teenagers—what if they accidentally spewed droplets of COVID that happened to—don’t jinx it!

Well, I was alone (with my best friend, Sony A7iii) roaming the alleys and canals of Amsterdam on King’s Day. And it’s damn nearly inevitable that I’d bump into someone. I can’t hide forever. I can’t stay at home forever.

But there were A LOT more people on the streets than expected—should I have been shocked? Before heading out, I was watching a BBC segment on the COVID crisis in India and what a crazy juxtaposition it was to see—people partying in the canals of Amsterdam like 2019 while thousands of bodies were being cremated in makeshift pyres in Delhi.

I could not that those two contrasting images out of my mind, but this is the world that we live in. One can only hope and pray for better things to come…